Cheeky Gifts

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Description Code
Add Insult to Injury Plasters Add insult to injury with these novelty plasters 10665
Honk If You're Horny Metal horn with a rubber honker. HH102
Giant Willie Hot Water Bottle Willie shaped hot water bottle. HH13
Offensive Office Stationery Guaranteed to make a statement. HH14
I Love Boobs Mug I Heart Boobs Mug HH161
I Love Cock Mug - White The mug that says it how it is HH166
The Boss (Female) Mug Mug in open display carton, perfect for women who wear the trousers HH175
Strip Mug Female - Blonde Add a hot drink to reveal all! HH178
Strip Mug Male - Hand on Chest Heat Changing mug.Add a hot drink to reveal all! HH179
Boob Cube Perfect gift for lovers of boobs and puzzles. HH20
Rude Cube Perfect gift for lovers of willies and puzzles. Warning uncensored images. HH21
Willie Egg Fryer Give your eggs a shape that will raise more than an eyebrow! HH31
Offensive Stencils Offensive Stencils HH32
Boobie Egg Fryer Boobie Egg Fryer HH33
Emergency 'Mini' Vibrator For life’s little emergencies. HH35
Cumfetti Sperm shaped confetti. HH36
Filthy Snap Unspeakably filthy progeny of Snap and Pairs HH37
Duck With A Dick Duck with a difference, HH39
Burlesque NippleTassels Change any bedroom into a boudoir! HH46
Glow In The Dark Love Rings Three glow in the dark Love Rings. HH60
Glow in the Dark Love Dice Have intimate fun in the dark with these glow in the dark dice HH61
Jizz Drinking Game Outrageous drinking game. HH80
Wanky Hankies Wanky Hankies HH81
Boobie Flyer Gift for lovers of boobs and beach sports. HP2600
Boobie Squirt Gun Unusual water pistol HP3070
Wanky Candle: Sweaty Minge Scented Vanilla and Wild Berry candles! WC06
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Spencer and Fleetwood is trading name of Funtime Gifts Ltd